Skills Training for Effective Practice

: V2V

Languages ​​available:

Languages: ENG

The present material was selected and evaluated from those already available online, during an Erasmus+ project that APRO Formazione coordinated or participated in. The material is available online on the platform where it was originally published by its creators.

The material is available online and addressed to all interested teachers, staff members, students and stakeholders in the EDU-VET systems.

Good quality and timely pre-entry information, advice and guidance (IAG) fulfils an important role in supporting learners to address diverse and complex needs and helps overcome barriers to access to the VET institutions and vocational education. The project aimed to showcase the best practices of IAG from partner countries, learn from each other and create a list of proven tools and methods of information, advice and guidance and thus support improvements of pre-admission and admission processes in VET institutions.

Data sheet

Specific topic
Information Advice & Guidance
No registration needed