• New

Coaching and career counselling as an entrance to dual education

Languages ​​available:

Languages: ITA

The present material was selected and evaluated from those already available online, during an Erasmus+ project that APRO Formazione coordinated or participated in. The material is available online on the platform where it was originally published by its creators.

The material is available online and addressed to all interested teachers, staff members, students and stakeholders in the EDU-VET systems.

The online platform DualEducationFinder provides information about dual education in the Alpine Space in English, French, German, Italian and Slovenian. In-company trainers, SME managers, coaches and lecturers/teachers will get answers to their most current questions on dual education. Topics covered are vocational orientation, qualification of trainers and permeability of educational systems. The platform has been developed in the context of the DuALPlus project. The contents have been collected or developed as a collective effort by the nine partner organisations that carried out the project.

Data sheet

Specific topic
Schools-companies cooperation (dual system/WBL)
No registration needed
Year of creation